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The Coming Storm-the legacy of Nazism endures title
- World Premiere

Written and directed by: Stephan Morrow

"I believe that artists must do work that reflects the world around us especially during dangerous times of global crises such as those we are facing and so having been profoundly disturbed by the atrocities of Oct 7. I set about creating material that dealt with that horror. As the material developed it led me back to one of the most disturbing chapters in human history: the rise of the Nazis in 30's Berlin as a reminder of how brutal anti-Semitism can become. It has short episodic scenes which will give a kaleidoscopic impact to the material because it is not a docudrama but a cautionary tale with a fable-like quality. (I did this with another of my pieces 'Darkness After Night :Ukraine which we filmed and which won 'Best Original Screenplay (adapted from another medium) in The Los Angeles Golden State Film Festival. So "The Coming Storm" is a frightening narrative which starts with a Jewish professor brutally ejected from his post at University. After his deportation his prize student, (historically based on Nobel Prize Winner, Werner Eisenberg) - a loyal German - agrees to work on a fission project for his fatherland but when he witnesses the evils of the Nazi regime, including the murder of a female family friend as well as the young woman he is in love with - eventually - at great risk to himself - refuses to continue his work on developing an atom bomb for Germany. (It should be noted that German physicists were two years ahead of Oppenheimer and the U.S.'s efforts at the start of Los Alamos.)."


Johnson Theater


Wednesday - September 4 - 6:30pm
Saturday - September 7 - 2pm
Sunday - September 8 - 5pm
Thursday - September 12 - 6:30pm
Saturday - September 14 - 2pm
Sunday - September 15 - 8pm

Running time: The Coming Storm-the legacy of Nazism endures is 90 Minutes $15.

The Coming Storm-the legacy of Nazism endures Image

Cast of The Coming Storm written and directed by Stephan Morrow.:

Daniel Blick
Louise Bylicki
Gary Comorau
Michael Giorgio
Marcia Hopson
Bodi Johnson
George Lugo
Joe Patrick Marshall
Liam McGowan
Bill McAndrews
Natalie Menna
Donata O'neill

Stephan Morrow is a proud veteran of the Off Off Bway arena where has acted, directed and written and where he finds the freedom it offers so far from the specious projects of most commercial theater. Nevertheless he has had the privilege and honor of working for over 25 years with Norman Mailer ("Strawhead: A memory of Marilyn' Tough Guys Don't Dance' and 'Deerpark') with Arthur Miller (Incident at Vichy) and seven productions for Mario Fratti. Profound thanks to Crystal Field for supporting his latest efforts of filming stage productions at TNC which have garnered more than a dozen awards in film festivals including 'Best. Science Fiction Feature Film' in 'The Golden State Film Festival' for The Assassination of J.Kaisaar and the Rise of Augustus - The Sopranos Meet Mad Max.


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